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How to Anchor Your Leadership

Matt Herrington

Individual Identity

In a world filled with to do's, consider the importance of what it means to be. I am... the two most important words in our language. Who do you declare yourself to be? I once listened to a talk by Wayne Dyer where he talked about the analogy of the orange. 

When you squeeze an orange, what comes out? Orange juice of course. Why not grape or apple juice? Why does orange juice come out? Because that is what is inside. 

When life squeezes us, what comes out? When someone's words or behavior puts pressure on us, do we react or respond? 

To react is to be circumstance driven. To respond is to be identity driven. 

Defining who we are and what is inside of us is the anchor for our leadership. 

Organization Identity

Let's say we have a team member that frequently fails to return customer's calls. Our traditional management system says that that is bad or wrong. Without a clear identity, those are the only apparent options. However, if the clearly defined identity of our organization is "Commitment to taking care of people", then we have an anchor for why failing to return calls does not work. 

Management deals in terms of right/wrong good/bad. Leadership deals in terms of works and what doesn't work through the lens of the identity. 

With a clear identity, core values go from being nice words on a wall to clear guides for who we are and how we are. 

Identity is the anchor for the shift from management to leadership. 

Define who you are. 

Keep being about it and talking about it. 

Today is the day. 

You got this! 


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